To the Lions!

May 26, 2009

marytrsincolosseumatromeFed to the Lions !!

From the Spectator:

The Equality Bill currently going through Parliament is the latest and potentially most oppressive attempt to impose politically acceptable attitudes and drive out any that fall foul of these criteria. Since the attitudes being imposed constitute an ideological agenda to destroy Britain’s foundational ethical principles and replace them by a nihilistic values and lifestyle free-for-all, they represent a direct onslaught on the Judeo-Christian morality underpinning British society.

The most neuralgic of these issues is gay rights. This is because the tolerance of homosexuality that a liberal society should properly show has long been hijacked by an agenda which aims at destroying the very idea of normative sexuality altogether – and does so by smearing it as prejudice. The true liberal position, that it is right and just to tolerate behaviour that deviates from the norm as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else, is deemed to be rank prejudice on the grounds that homosexuality is not ‘deviancy’ but normal. ‘Normality’ is thus rendered incoherent and absurd and accordingly destroyed altogether.  The agenda is therefore not liberal tolerance but illiberal coercion against mainstream moral values, on the basis that the very idea of having normative moral principles at all is an expression of bigotry. So anyone who speaks out against gay rights is immediately vilified as a ‘homophobe’ and treated as a social and professional pariah. Read the rest of this entry »

Google wants California’s Proposition 8 Repealed

January 17, 2009

Google wants Proposition 8 repealed on the grounds that it impedes Google’s ability to hire and retain employees. Ironic since they’ve just had a big layoff.

Law isn’t about commerce per se; it isn’t like gays are going to leave California in droves because of this, just get nastier, as exhibited by boycotts, insults and threats to those who have a different opinion.

I hope the courts don’t buy into the gay agenda.

Gay Political Extortion Crushes LDS Prop 8 Supporter

November 15, 2008


Diana West comments on a despicable scene taking place in Hollywood.   The gay community has now targeted a popular restaurant for harassment and boycott because the own exercised her right to participate in the political process according to her conscience.  They have threatened her with the destruction of her business unless she support publicly now gay marriage.  All for her $100 donation to support Prop. 8.

The mainstream media have so far failed to get across the intensity of the ordeal that supporters of Prop 8 may now be subject to–something I realized on coming across this extraordinary blog account of a meeting at the legendary restaurant El Coyote in Hollywood, not far from where I grew up in Laurel Canyon. The meeting was between the elderly Mormon owner, who donated $100 to support Prop 8, and Prop 8 opponents, who are threatening a boycott, and it is as soul- grinding as something out of Soviet show trial history.–billed as “the blog of ex-Mormon, reformed porn star and Hollywood fitness trainer Sam Page”–reports:

In a dramatic, closed door meeting, the owner of a renowned Mexican eatery in Hollywood expressed regret in her decision to donate $100 to the “Yes on Prop 8″ campaign, but her remarks before a group of about 60 members of Los Angeles’ LGBT community fell short of an outright personal apology.

Just the spectacle of an American citizen expressing regret for her political conviction to avert economic harm is gruesome already. But it goes on: Read the rest of this entry »

Prop 8 and the politics of H8

November 11, 2008


Those Episcopalians who now fancy themselves Anglicans have learned a bitter lesson.  The Mormons this week have learned the same one:  Those who differ with the gay community will be accused of hate. In a time when escalated language is de rigeur, the accusation of hatred is not enough, so it is made more graphic by associating the opponent with a heinous act.  Cue Matthew Shepherd.  So Mormons and Anglican by differing with the gay community, are now often accused of complicity in the murder of Matt Shepard, the countless murdered gays through the ages, gay bashings, Hitler.  It always goes back to Hitler, doesn’t it?

Today I am shocked by one thing only:  that nothing shocks me and that being called worse than Hitler is a kind of badge signifying that someone was actually listening to what I said.  Phony outrage is a rhetorical weapon as old as the hills, but the gay community has mastered the craft. Read the rest of this entry »

Beetle on Gay Marriage Prop 8: Mormons Stole Your Rights………Huh?

November 9, 2008


The Mormons have been unfairly targeted for their position in favor of the gay marriage ban in California.  Beetle Blogger has the facts on the broad coalition supporting Prop 8.

From Beetle Blogger.

1. Mormons make up less than 2% of the population of California. There are approximately 800,000 LDS out of a total population of approximately 34 million.

2. Mormon voters were less than 5% of the yes vote. If one estimates that 250,000 LDS are registered voters (the rest being children), then LDS voters made up 4.6% of the Yes vote and 2.4% of the total Proposition 8 vote.

3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) donated no money to the Yes on 8 campaign. Individual members of the Church were encouraged to support the Yes on 8 efforts and, exercising their constitutional right to free speech, donated whatever they felt like donating. Read the rest of this entry »

“orthodox” Anglicans

May 30, 2008

In the past 5 years two bitterly opposed camps on issues like scripture and sexuality have rent the fabric of the Episcopal Church (TEC) into two very unequal parts–the liberals having almost complete say and the power of the courts to crush the self proclaimed “orthodox.” At least this is the point of view of the so called “orthodox” Episcopalians/Anglicans, who bleat on and on about their victim status in TEC and in the Anglican Communion. Theologically, as a Catholic, I am on the side of the “orthodox.” Their moral position on homosexuality is the right one. But, I don’t agree entirely that they are either victims or orthodox.

What has happened to TEC since the 2003 ordination of practicing gay bishop is clearly the fault of the “orthodox” who have stood by with hands on hips for decades while their church has been swirling down the toilet. Read the rest of this entry »

Natural Law and Homosexuality made simple

May 24, 2008

Many educated Catholics know that the Church bases her moral teaching on Natural Law, but few educated after the 60’s know what that means. It all begins with Romans 1:18-21:

“The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness.For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them. Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. As a result, they have no excuse…”

In a Nutshell

  1. Despite our fallen nature, man can by his intelligence can determine right from wrong (though many fail to do so). This is very important in that while moral principles are revealed in scripture, they have a natural basis which allows for a common language for dialogue between believers and non believers. In other words, morality is reasonable and not only a matter of faith. Thus, unlike the Protestants, Catholics can discuss morality without pointing the non-believe to scripture which would be unconvincing.
  2. Moral teaching is discernable from the way we are physically made. That is, it is grounded in biology and common sense (which is less and less common these days, to be sure). Again, this is common ground with non-believers.
  3. A sense of moral good and evil, that is conscience, is written in the hearts of men and therefore imposes moral obligations. Read the rest of this entry »

John 6 in Our Day

May 16, 2008

I have been carrying around this thought for over a decade:

As a result of this hard teaching [just pick one], many of the Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans and Evangelicals returned to their former pagan way of life and no longer accompanied him.

Jesus then said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to leave?” Read the rest of this entry »

Don’t Punish My Other Wife!

April 8, 2008

5 bob to: Creative Minority Report

From the Daily Mail.

But yesterday one motorist offered what must be a unique reason why he should keep his licence.

Mohammed Anwar said a ban would make it difficult to commute between his two wives and fulfil his matrimonial duties.

His lawyer told a Scottish court the Muslim restaurant owner has one wife in Motherwell and another in Glasgow – he is allowed up to four under his religion – and sleeps with them on alternate nights.

Oh the irony when the pluralism being demanded shows sharia-law and same-sex marriage folks climbing into bed together. How do I mean?  Well if having multiple wives is respected in courts, how long can you argue that one woman can’t have just one other woman as her wife?

Will this woman who fancies herself a man, one day be allowed to be the husband of multiple wives and give birth to all their children?  In fact I daresay that taking steroids and having her breasts altered didn’t turn her into a man – the bun in the oven shows that…  But state law recognizes her as married to a woman.  Now in Britian the courts are – at least here – showing recognition to bigamy.  The floodgates are going to open – these parties are just chipping away at the same dam from different sides.

It boggles the mind…

“Pregnant Husbands” In The Brave New World (or) “Woman With Plastic Surgery & Hormone Treatment Gets Pregnant”

March 25, 2008

Homosexual activist and lifestyle publication The Advocate reports something that very well may qualify as “new under the sun.”

In the brave new world, after an operation for “gender re-assignment” a woman who has legally married another woman has opted to become “the pregnant husband”.

How does it feel to be a pregnant man? Incredible. Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am. In a technical sense I see myself as my own surrogate, though my gender identity as male is constant. To Nancy, I am her husband carrying our child—I am so lucky to have such a loving, supportive wife. I will be my daughter’s father, and Nancy will be her mother. We will be a family.

I remain uncertain how it is the case that breast reconstruction and testosterone therapy allows a woman to be considered to be married to another woman. When it comes to pro-creating, nothing seems to have changed in that department.

So “How does it feel to be a man and to be pregnant?” Find someone with an XY chromosome set who is pregnant and you will answer that question! Get out your lamp, Diogenes – you will be looking for one honest man for a good long time.

Now might be a good time to consider spending a little time with some of JP2’s Theology of the Body writings.