Hear Father Ragheed Ganni, New Martyr of the Chaldeans

October 29, 2008

“Hear the voice of a Christian Martyr singing a hymn in Arabic to the Blessed Mother, while watching a slideshow of his funeral mass. Hear the angelic voice of Father Ragheed Ganni, a 35 year old Chaldean Catholic Priest killed on Sunday
June 3rd, 2007 with subdeacons Basman Yousef Daoud, Wadid Hanna and Ghasan Bida Wid right after celebrating mass at Holy Spirit Chaldean Catholic Church in Mosul, Iraq. The car of Father Ragheed and the three deacons was stopped by terrorists shortly after leaving the church.

“They were forced to get down from the car and asked to declare their conversion to Islam. When the four martyrs refused they were brutally gunned down with machine guns. Lord, protect all the innocent people of Iraq and all those trying to defend them. Jesus we trust in you and we are sustained by the prayers of your most holy mother to whom you never refuse a request. We pray for the repentance and conversion of Father Ragheed’s killers and all other terrorists. May she who gave birth to us at the foot of the cross beg you for mercy. “

source: http://www.ankawa.com/

It is really tough to listen to or watch this with dry eyes.

UPDATE: Someone emailed the following to me, I wanted to share it – I hope that is alright.”I clicked over to your blog and found your post on Fr. Ragheed from Iraq.He came to visit our parish back in 2002 or 2003 (I forget?)… and we got to know him personally very well. My husband and I took him out to lunch on a couple occasions…He was a beautiful person… I enjoy reading about him. Thanks for your blog post.”

I had not known Father Ragheed had spent any time in America. That was fascinating to learn. Thank you for sharing that.

Abortion and the Church of the East

October 29, 2008

With the upcoming elections, we see increasing attacks on the choice of life by those who have embraced the culture of death. Thank God that in opposition to that there are people who are increasing awareness of what Truth is… what Life is.

I am reproducing below a paper written by H.G. Mar Bawai Soro, years ago while he was in the Assyrian Church. It was from a series of teachings meant to convey to the faithful of his diocese the church’s teachings on various topics that are applicable these days. This view, from the standpoint of a church out of communion with any other apostolic church, shows the universality of the apostolic teaching on the topic of abortion.


Bishop Mar Bawai Soro


“And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” (Matthew 18:5)

Ask ten people what they see as the greatest challenge in human society today and you’ll get ten different answers or more. Poverty, the cost of health care, hunger and starvation, terrorism, the divorce rate, political corruption, homelessness, a crisis in education, trade and budget deficits, a lack of involvement – the answers are many and the challenges are real.

These issues and more threaten the fabric of society by making it more difficult for people to live in justice, love and peace with one another, as Jesus taught. Many issues challenge human society today and they all, in one way or another, impact on the freedom that people should be able to enjoy.

In the United States and elsewhere in the world, one particular issue has become politically and religiously very intense, a concern that is the most important human rights issue of our day: abortion. The direct killing of an unborn child by abortion has become an issue that divides people, who hold very strong opinions and beliefs about it.

The word abortion applies to two similar and yet radically different events. First, the natural miscarriage of a fetus before it is born can be called an abortion. It is spontaneous and does not refer to the type of abortion that has become so contentions today.

The second event described by the word abortion refers to the medically induced direct and deliberate removal of a fetus from the womb before it is fully developed and able to survive, Read the rest of this entry »

Who Is Left Standing In These Troubled Times As A Christian Voice That Can Re-gather The Storm-Tossed Flock?

July 4, 2008

Fr. J in Benedict the Re-Gatherer put it best and most succinctly… Our Holy Father is making great efforts to reach out and gather the faithful. In these troubled times, now more than ever, we need it.

B16 understands and recognizes what is at stake worldwide. Islam is growing because of its continued value of fertility, and many non-Catholic baptized Christians are adrift in a sea of unknowing. What the future holds for the places they called home is uncertain. Re-gathering the ranks, and strengthening the brethren is no small task.

Can you think of anyone else on the world seen remotely close to being up for this task? Any other Church that could go toe-to-toe with Islam, secularism, the sexual revolution, the post-modern era and actually stand a chance? Is any other cohesive expression and manifestation of Christianity actually growing? Read the rest of this entry »

Archimandrite Robert F. Taft on the unity movement in the CotE

May 22, 2008

On January 21st, 2007, Archimandrite Robert Taft visited our parish in San Jose. The talk that he gave was reassuring and helped many in their stance in support of H.G. Mar Bawai Soro. Many of you reading this probably already know of Fr. Taft, who is a learned scholar with many works to his name; at the time, I myself had one of his books in my bookshelf.

When he weighed in on the situation as it existed in the beginning of 2007, he made it clear that he did not want to be used as a polemical tool in any kind of attack; what he had stated should be left as it is without alteration. I have done my best to faithfully transcribe his words from the video, leaving out just a personal note he had made near the beginning. The video itself can be seen at:


I am very happy to be with you today because as father said I Read the rest of this entry »

Clarification of Unification by Fr. Dimitri

May 21, 2008

Recently, Fr. Dimitri posted in a forum the following response to attempt to clear up some confusion that had been taking place about the union that was just achieved under the guidance of H.G. Mar Bawai Soro. Fr. Dimitri is one of the priests who recently united into the Chaldean Catholic Church. He writes:

There seems to be more than a little confusion regarding the status of the parishes and their clergies who have supported His Lordship Mar Bawai. Permit me to try to clear up this confusion and set the record straight.

First, let us recall that Mar Bawai made several promises to us. He promised NOT to try to make us “Roman Catholics.” He promised NOT to start another Church. And he promised to seek unity with both churches of our Church of the East patrimony, the Chaldean Catholic and the Ancient Church of the East.

We should all acknowledge that he has kept these three promises. His Grace found it prudent to incorporate a diocese, the “Assyrian Catholic and Apostolic Diocese,” to serve his followers. This was not a “church,” but a legal covering.

Regarding seeking unity, while the Ancient Church of the East has shown great charity and openness towards Mar Bawai and his supporters, (which is appreciated on every level) her leadership was not interested in pursuing unity with the other apostolic Churches at this time. This did not fit the criteria His Grace had set for the Diocese in seeking unity.

Read the rest of this entry »

Sermon of Hope during Unity Prayer

May 13, 2008

In sermon delivered by H.G. Mar Sarhad Jammo during a prayer service of unity, the bishop repeated and emphasized, no more is it “you and I, or I and you”, but now it is us.  We are now one.  The clergy and laity of parishes and missions in Western US had united and come under the guidance and leadership of H.G. Mar Sarhad Jammo.

Indeed, there was no you and I on Saturday, May 10th.  It was a wonderful day, when all our spirits ran high, and many were emotional, crying forth tears of joy.  From the meeting that begun the day, with the gathered councils of the Church laity which help administer and run the parishes, until the end of the dinner fund-raiser for the newly consecrated Church of St. Matthew, this was a day of thanks giving and praising the Lord for bringing forth this wonderful day.

H.G. Mar Sarhad had a message of hope for our people, especially in this time when our people in the Mideast are facing great persecution.  Bringing forth the prophet Jonah as an example when doom was prophesied to Nineveh, and the people repented, he called on us to also challenge the prophecies of doom that now abound about our people:

Challenge destiny, by the force of the Holy Spirit! … Are we doomed? Not if we unite.  Not if we are with the Truth of the Lord.  Not if we fulfill His will.  Not if we are loving each other and loving the Truth.  Where can we reach?  Survive?  I don’t Read the rest of this entry »

St. Peter the Apostle Diocesan Announcement on May 9th

May 12, 2008

The following announcement was published by the St. Peter the Apostle for Chaldeans & Assyrians Diocese on May 9th:

From Kalday.net:

To all the clergy and faithful of the Catholic Diocese of St. Peter the Apostle for Chaldeans & Assyrians, and to all clergy and faithful of the Assyrian parishes and missions who requested merger with our Diocese.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the midst of the painful news of our people in Iraq, and the wounds of our Church among the challenges of the present situation, the mercy of God sends us aid and comfort, which is the movement of ecclesial Unity, whose fruits are now ripe for harvest. Thus the clergy and faithful of the Assyrian parishes and missions who have publicly requested fullness of communion with the Catholic Church and living union with the Chaldean Church by their entrance into the Chaldean Catholic Dioceses in which they reside have submitted, on March 17, 2008, an official request for the fulfillment of this intention.

In these past three months, we have lived together in mutual interaction and ecclesial and brotherly union, between all the clergy and all the children of these Dioceses, having shared our liturgies, spiritual activities, youth movements, and seminars for deacons.

The most obvious element which has aided this Church Unity movement was Read the rest of this entry »

Re-union of Chaldean Catholics and The Assyrian Catholic Apostolic Diocese Completed and Announced!

May 10, 2008

On Sunday, May 4th, an announcement was made at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.  The announcement heralds the entry of the parishes of ACAD {the Assyrian Catholic Apostolic Diocese} into the local Chaldean Catholic dioceses.

It seems that after their uplifting visit to Rome, H.G. Mar Sarhad and H.G. Mar Bawai are fully underway to leading their diocese to a union.  On Saturday, May 10th, at noon, at St. Thomas Chaldean Chatholic Church in Turlock, CA, there will be a joint prayer of unity with the clergy of the two diocese.  Then at 5pm, there will be the “Syameeda” {laying of hand} of St. Matthew Church in Ceres.  This new church will be opened with the clergy as one.

The parishes which were part of ACAD will be joining the local Chaldean Diocese, so that our California parishes will be in the diocese of H.G. Mar Sarhad, where as the parishes in other areas or countries will be joining whichever diocese they fall under territorially.

This is a significant event in history.  Truly, it would have been a significantly greater steps towards unity had the entire Assyrian CotE kept in earnest pursuit of communion with the Catholic Church.  However, the significance of this diocese uniting with the Chaldean church should not be underestimated: it has been about 180 years since any similar scale unity between our people.   This diocese has managed to follow the teachings of our Church, and to establish communion with our brothers already in the Catholic Communion.

Although one can have regrets about not being able to do it as a whole, one must remember to trust in God All-mighty.  Our goal now will be two-fold… to continue in the path that is opened to us, in true faithfulness to the teachings of the Church fathers, and to pray and help our brothers and sisters that did not take this step.


Mar Bawai Soro & The Presentation to Synod in 2005

Post from BaghdadHope: Mar Bawai Soro

Father Jarjis Robert Sayd & Mar Bawai Soro At The Vatican: Hope, Defiance, Unity

Assyrians Electing To Enter Communion With Rome: Declaration Of Intent 

Mar Bawai Soro & The Presentation to Synod in 2005

May 5, 2008

Before discussing further the history of this present movement, and all that led to it starting from a time long ago, I’d like why we who have chosen to follow Bishop Bawai Soro have full-heartedly supported him in these troubled times.

In November of 2005, His Grace went to Chicago to attend a Synod meeting which would bring no surprise for many of us. Far too many of us in the congregation knew already what lay in store and what we were to expect. Actually, not just in our congregation, but from San Jose, to Chicago, to Europe, and Australia, everyone understood what was to come forth from this Synod. There had been an uneasiness brewing, and people from both sides were anticipating the results of this gathering. One side anticipated with joy, some of its members having been assured of the results before the synod had even been convened — the other side in sadness hoping against that their fears would not be realized.

Many years after the fact, it is easy to attribute things using hindsight and logic derived through the dialogs and arguments that have taken place since. The vivid view of the past gets fogged by the years and the many things said, and done, since. So, perhaps the best way to vivify the memory once again is to just allow the past to talk for itself.

The following letter was presented by Mar Bawai Soro in the Synod of 2005 Read the rest of this entry »

Post from BaghdadHope: Mar Bawai Soro

April 30, 2008

H.G. Mar Bawai Soro and H.G. Mar Sarhad Y. Jammo are currently in Rome. On Sunday, April 27th, 2008, there was an ordination of 29 men into the priesthood. Many of our parish were happy to see him at that wonderful event. The following is a blog entry written by a certain blogger named “BaghdadHope”. I have reproduced it here as it is quite informative of recent going-ons with our diocese.

Mar Bawai Soro: place of honour in Saint Peter