Blessed Bartolomeo di Olmedo Priest Mercedario , February 11

blessed-bartolomeo-di-olmedo2 Blessed Bartolomeo di Olmedo

+ Mexico,  November 1524

Blessed Bartholomew di Olmedo was the first priest who came to Mexican soil, he came to America in 1516 at the age of 31. During the conquest of the Aztec a lot of praise went to this young Mercedario for his activities, which were carried out with intelligence and care in special situations between Spanish and arborigeni. He brought the devotion to Our Lady of Mercy to the Mexicans, who fell in love with it, thus bringing people to the knowledge of God, and teaching the principles of the faith by preaching tirelessly. He baptized more than 2500 arborigeni, including the famous Malinche, who, because he knew the Spanish language interpreter for Cortés and gave her the name of Marina. Blessed Bartholomew died in Mexico in November of 1524 at the age of 39 and amid tears from all the Indians. He was buried in Santiago de Tlatelolco.

The Order celebrates him on February 11.

Source: Santi e Beati

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