Lutheran Rosary? Anglican Rosary?

Are either of these devotions

  1. Used at the parish level
  2. Commonly known to Lutherans or Anglicans?
    Sometimes known as the “Anglican rosary,” “Christian prayer beads,” or “ecumenical prayer beads,” Anglican prayer beads are a loop of strung beads which Anglicans and other Christians use as a focus for prayer. Anglican prayer beads were developed in the mid-1980s by Episcopalians participating in a study group dealing with methods of prayer. SOURCE


A “Lutheran Rosary” for Lent:


Whether prayed using prayer beads or not (one would have to make one’s own*), the idea of this “Lutheran Rosary” for Lent is to help people ease into the spiritual discipline of prayer. We do suggest making a calendar to keep track of individual prayers for each day.  People who are not in the habit of daily prayer may want to start with just one “daily prayer” on Ash Wednesday, then expand by one each succeeding day; others may prefer to pray the whole “rosary” every day during the season.



Following Martin Luther’s advice, in the morning, when you rise, make the sign of the cross and say, “God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit watch over me. Amen.

1st bead

The Apostle’s Creed:

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

2nd bead

The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

3rd bead

Luther’s Morning or Evening Prayer

I give thanks to you, my heavenly Father through Jesus Christ your dear Son, that you have protected me this night from all harm and danger, and I ask you that you would also protect me today from every sin and all evil, so that my life and actions may please you completely. For into your hands I commend myself: my body, my soul, and all that is mine. Let your holy angel be with me, so that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.

I give thanks to you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ your dear Son, that you have graciously protected me today, and I ask you to forgive me all my sins, where I have done wrong, and graciously to protect me tonight. For into your hands I commend myself: my body, my soul, and all that is mine. Let your holy angel be with me, so that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.

*Around the circle, then, are beads for the days of Lent plus the Sundays of Lent (a little larger, a different color to make them stand out), for, of course, the Sundays are all celebrated as “little Easters” and thus are not counted among the 40 days of Lent.  First four Lent beads, then one Sunday, then the rest in groups of six and one.  The last bead is Easter and may be larger and lighter in color than all.

Ash Wednesday:

Pray for one’s own sinfulness, asking for forgiveness and renewal of one’s heart.

1st Sunday:

Give thanks for God’s guidance through the wilderness of this world.

2nd Sunday:

Give thanks for the gift of faith for one’s self and for others.

3rd Sunday:

Give thanks for the Word of God as printed and proclaimed.

4th Sunday:

Give thanks for God’s healing and forgiveness.

5th Sunday:

Give thanks for God’s love and for all who are able to share that love.

Sunday of the Passion:

Give thanks for God’s greatest gift of all; the life, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Maundy Thursday:

Pray for the ability to follow Christ’s command to love others as He loved us.

Good Friday:

Pray for the ability to forgive those who crucify others daily – in little ways or in large.

Holy Saturday:

Pray for the help of God, that we may have good intentions and be able to carry them out, even as his Son fulfilled the punishments of the Law on our behalf.

The Resurrection of our Lord:

Rejoice in the fulfillment of the New Covenant as Christ rose from the dead, and commit oneself to new life in his service.



  • Peace in the world and in our hearts
  • People you know with specific needs
  • The lonely, depressed, those with mental illnesses
  • The physically ill or handicapped, the dying
  • The homeless, those who have no employment
  • Those burdened with the cares of others
  • People who are grieving the loss of someone they loved
  • Someone you heard about in the news who needs help
  • Someone who has hurt you


Poem by E.E. Cummings:

i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth
day of life and love and wings; and of the gay
great happening ilimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any – lifted from the no
of all nothing – human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

Psalm 150:

Praise the LORD!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty firmament!*
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his surpassing greatness!
Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with clanging cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that breathes praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD!

74 Responses to Lutheran Rosary? Anglican Rosary?

  1. Bob Catholic says:

    The very idea of praying with beads (or any external aide) is alien to most (if not all) Protestants. For Lutherans (in Australia at least) Rosaries are Roman and hence a no-go area. Even a Lutheran adaption of the Rosary, as above, would be considered a Roman-ward move and un-Lutheran. For Anglicans, the Rosary (in its full Roman form) is more the norm for Anglo-Catholics. Does that help??

    • JC says:

      as an Australian Lutheran, I would like a form of Rosary beads…I like them. Does not mean I am Catholic etc. But I use them in these prayers here.

    • Fr Nicholas says:

      A few years back I was in Finland where my wife and I visited a Lutheran Church. Visitors were encouraged to linger and make a Rosary, or rather prayer beads, moments of prayer and contemplation reflecting on the gospel and ones own life. We still have our rosaries with their different coloured beads and I thought it a great way to turn visitors into pilgrims.

      I use an Orthodox rosary which is knitted from wool and used for the Jesus Prayer and I find this a very sustaining form of prayer.

      For Anglicans and Protestants why not use this form of prayer which is orthodox and scriptural –

      Hail, Virgin Mother of God (theotokos is more properly God bearer than Mother of God), Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb; for you brought forth the Saviour of the world.

      This I picked up from the Anglican Sisters of the Love of God in Oxford.

      I think the merits of the Rosary are best measured by its fruitfulness in deepening our prayer within the Trinity and in care of others.


      Fr Nicholas
      Anglican Priest

      • Nixon is Lord says:

        Anglicans are Protestants; your Queen swears to uphold “the Protestant Reformed religion as established by law”. Why this pitiful mania to pretend to be something like a Western Orthodoxy? When you allow women to be ordained and clergy to be married (or re-married), you’re not Orthodox.
        No wonder so many are atheists; so many stupid and ridiculous rules about nothing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nixon is Lord = Religious Atheist Troll Fail

      • Nixon is Lord says:

        Finland should separate church and state; so should England.

  2. Nan says:

    Episcopalians who wanted to be Catholic?

  3. It was more rhetorical than anything….

  4. diane says:

    For the record…my Pentecostal neighbor asked me to explain the rosary for her. She thought it was cool. She also made me an exquisite rosary from freshwater pearls and schwarovski (sp?) crystals.

    But Pentecostals are predisposed toward scarmentals anyway, even though they don’t realize it (prayer cloths, anointing oil, etc.).

  5. diane says:

    That should be sacramentals, of course. I am the typo queen!!

  6. Typos are always forgiven and overlooked at TBC!

    As to your main point about sacramentals… I have noticed that too. Nature abhors a vacuum, and as anti-sacramental and iconoclastic as some are, the thirst remains. What best might be called “Jesus Kitsch” – from Hummel figurines, to “prayer bracelets” with biblical-themed charms, to those little porcelain statues of Jesus playing the sport of choice for a young Evangelical… well this need and thirst to have real phyiscal sort of expression and experience remains well after the Roaries have been tossed in the trash, the icons burned, and statues smashed. The needs reasert themselves in new fashions.

    • Nixon is Lord says:

      There is the same “need” to see Jesus in the taco or the virgin Mary in the glass side in the building. It’s usually uneducated people who “see” these things. Why associate yourselves with uneducated and superstitious people? You’ll notice it’s usually some illiterate peasant who gets the “visitation” and starts the cult of Our Lady of the Underpass.

    • Debi Warford says:

      This is so true! I am an American Anglican (ACNA) who makes Anglican (and Roman) rosaries. I have shipped them around the world, including to Australia. I have also begun painting my first icon. People are thirsting for sacramentals, as well as liturgy, even if they don’t realize it or think such things are “too Roman”. Three songs and a prayer before the sermon each week is still liturgy, whether we recognize it or not.

    • Jayson says:

      The Lord God became human – flesh and blood and thereby touched all creation with glory. Out of touch are those who feel that human beings do not need sacramentals: Bread, wine, water, oil, bowing, embracing, etc. You would think God ONLY gave ears to human beings, and not 5 senses. So (from the beginning of the incarnation, people have worshiped the Lord Christ with gold, frankincense and mhyrr (Oil). Deal with it.

  7. Nan says:

    Smash my statues and I smash you! Greater penalties apply to any damage done to rosaries and icons.

    • Nixon is Lord says:

      How christian. And how like the Orthodox and Catholics who made war on each other for not having the right fantasy life and kitsch garbage associated with it.

  8. Alexander Roman says:

    In fact, Martin Luther prayed the rosary all of his life and there are pictures of him (and other Lutheran leaders of his time) holding prayer beads.

    The Lutheran churches of Sweden and Finland (and other Continental Lutheran churches) are acquainted with the Marian rosary, to be sure. The new Lutheran prayer beads are of a decidedly non-Marian character. The Anglican rosary is likewise non-Marian but Anglo-Catholics have always made use of the Marian rosary.

    John Wesley himself used a rosary and Methodist prayerbooks that I’ve seen actually advocate the use of a prayer-rope with ten knots in it, with larger, additional knots at both ends for repeating psalm verses and shorter prayers.

    An excellent source for meditation on the Marian rosary is, of course, the Methodist Neville Ward’s “Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy.”


  9. Doc Roman!

    How very good to see you at TBC! I hope all is well in Canada, and hope you find your way over to offer comments more often…

    As a matter of fact, your invite to join and become a Cordelia is still on the table!

  10. The use of prayer beads predates Christianity so this isn’t about wannabee anything/anyone other than yourself. Beads also transcend faith traditions so there is no reason to think that Christian groups other than Roman Catholics might find a use for them. There are Lutheran prayer beads but I prefer to adapt the Anglican ones designed in 1985 and make them available to other Lutherans. There is also more material available for Anglican beads.

    • moonlitcleric says:

      John so sorry 2 years later I reply my son was in Afghanistan in 2010 and I was house sitting for him etc hence that and too many operations between then and now – I believe anything that helps your faith what ever it is be it Druid, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish…Anglican prayers are our words from our heart to ‘God’ or who ever we wish to pray to. It is a personal space we share with ‘God’ or your name for an amazing existence of an external power we need to label and have label through millennium after millennium…for me I pray my way, regardless of indoctrination our beliefs increase or decrease as we evolve into the age of looking back at our lives, for me in 2010 my prayers were for my son and his mates…he lost 5 over there, one is too many…it really does not matter the words I used in rote, it just matters that my prayers were not selfish and for others in extreme situations…to me praying for another is what praying is about. I light candles for people who ask me to pray for they themselves do not…is that not such a wonderful gift to be given to say prayers for others and not our selves :) to answer you I was given two sets of Rosary Beads one from my RAAF roomie yes I served the ADF too and from my sons previous partner who I love dearly…the words to not matter just that I asked in prayer over and over for his feet to fall safely, that his mates steps would miss IED’s that his change would not be so much I would not recognise my own son…and to help him and his mates if needed which I did with one young lad with severe PTSD that sadly our Army did not give a toss about…but I did…in the end its our hearts that matter not what religion we use. :)

  11. John,

    Forgive me if I over-think or misunderstand your thinking on my thinking… but this post, far from intending to malign Anglicans, Lutherans, or any other folks who use chaplets to pray as being “wannabee” was simply written and posted with the basic question (as presented) in mind of trying to discern how common or widespread a practice these forms of prayer and devotion are.

    Curiously – or maybe Providentailly – I recently met a woman at one of my places of employment who was an earnest and enthusiastic supporter and crafter of “Anglican rosaries”. I came to find this out as I noticed she had a number of beautiful chaplets that she had made with her own hands that she was sharing with a friend.

    (In a curious twist of fate, a number of them were replete with Russian/Byzantine crucifixes that I, as a wayward Russian major and practicing Byzantine Catholic, immediately recognized. This beautiful confluence of seemingly divergent traditions that were brought together for prayer to the same God who is One, was not lost on me. I digress…)

    In the same spirit of curiosity that first lead to this very post, I asked her about how widespread and uniform these devotions which she – as an Episcopalian – practiced and made effort to share with others in her community were. More simply, I was curious as to what pride of place or uniformity this spirituality held in modern Episcopalianism.

    She demured that it was neither widely practiced nor institutionally promoted. This in and of itself is just a neutral observation. The same questions in my mind that lead me to write about this practice of using beads of meditory prayer in Anglican and Lutheran tradtions lead me to the same answers: these practices are still very much the domain of folks who adopt them privately that are within these traditions. To call the chaplets of different individuals who self-identify as “Anglican” or as “Lutheran” or even “Methodist” “Anglican rosaries” “Lutheran rosaries” or “Methodist rosaries” is a bit of a stretch inasmuch as these private devotions of individuals of these traditions (which can allow for wide latitude in praxis)aren’t wholly the domain or widely the practice of these communities. These practioners of these devotions are a minority among the greater constituencies of these traditions. That leaves calling them “Lutheran Rosaries” or “Anglican rosaries” no more accurate or inaccuate than, say, labeling the way some individuals cook, drive, or walk their dogs “Lutheran dog walking”, “Anglican cooking” or “Methodist driving”.

    Ultimately, as a Catholic, I would congratulate and encourage those who make use of these salutory practices of prayer and mediation.

    • debiwarford says:

      As noted above, I make both Roman Catholic and “Anglican” rosaries. I mainly use the term as a way of differentiating from the Catholic ones, which use a different number of beads. Of course, any one (of any tradition) could use either in their devotions…

  12. That’s how I kew them, as the Anglican rosary, only after a while I’ve been told they are also being used for prayer vy christians..

  13. Rosary Lover says:

    Look at Psalms 136, which is a litany (a prayer with recurring refrain) meant to be sung in the Jewish Temple. In the psalm the refrain is “His mercy endures forever.” Sometimes in Psalms 136 the refrain starts before a sentence is finished, meaning it is more repititious than the rosary, through this prayer was written directly under the inspiration oif God.

    It is the meditation on the holy Mysteries that gives the rosary its staying power. The joyful Mysteries are these: the Annunciation(St. Luke 1:26-38), the Visitation (St. Luke 1:40-56), the Nativity (St. Luke 2:6-20), the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple(St. Luke 2:21-39), and the finding of the child Jesus in the Temple(St. Luke 2:41-51).

    Then come the Sorrowful Mysteries: the Agony in the Garden(St. Matthew 26:26:-36-46), the Scourging(St. Matthew 27:26), the Crowning with thorns (St. Matthew 27:29), the Carrying of the Cross(St. John 19:17), and the Crucifixion(St. Luke 23:33-46).

    The final Mysteries are the Glorious: the Resurrection(St. Luke 24:1-12), the Ascention(St. Luke 24:50-51), the Descent of the Holy Spirit(Acts 2:1-4), the Assumption of Mary into heaven(Revelation 12), and her Coronation(cf. Revelation 12:1).

    Given the scriptual basis of most of the mysteries, it’s little wonder that many Protestants, once they understand the meditations that are the essence of the rosary, happily take it up as a devotion.


  14. John Dornheim says:

    The beads in the picture are the Anglican style that, as I stated earlier, the use of which I encourage for non-Romans. I do not think we should acquiesce every time someone says “ewww, that’s too Roman Catholic.” I was taught to make them by a Presbyterian pastor and I make them with a variety of crosses/crucifixes. There is a Lutheran cross produced by Terra Sancta and I have made about ten sets using that cross to provide/sell to Lutherans. The Lutheran prayer (above) was developed by someone in the ELCA, along with an entirely different style of prayerbeads. Since there is so much material available for the Anglican style, I never felt the need to get involved with these Lutheran beads. As far as I know this prayer is the only one that was ever put forth.

  15. St. Martin Luther, St. Martin Chemnitz, and other Orthodox Lutheran Fathers used a Biblical Rosary (actually depicted in some contemporary paintings). This Lutheran Rosary was composed of the + Trinitarian Invocation, Apostles’ Creed, Lord’s Prayer, and Biblical (Luther’s) Hail Mary, with the Minor Doxology. While the Papist Rosary was condemned in the Book of Concord — the Lutheran Rosary continued to be used by Protestant Catholics until the Thirty Years War in the 17th Century. The Lutheran Rosary is most helpful ing praying against the Papal Antichrist. Even Pope Joe Ratzinger (“Benedict XVI”) called the Augsburg Confession a “Catholic Statement of Faith” (condemned by the Council of Trent!) in 1976!

    + Sola Fide! Sola Gratia! Sola Scriptura! Solus Christus! Soli Deo Gloria!

  16. John Dornheim says:

    Fr. Mullen, I think that you could make your point without disparaging the Roman Catholic faith. Lutherans do not consider the Pope to be the “anti-Christ.” Cardinal Josef Ratzinger is now known as Pope Benedict XVI. Like him or not, that is the fact.

  17. Mr. Dornheim,

    All real Lutherans historically and confessionally believe, teach, and confess that the institution of the Papacy is the Antichrist….not any particular Pope. This is De Fide, and found in several of our Confessional Symbols of the Book of Concord 1580….based upon God’s Word….like it or not….that is Truth. The following real Lutheran denominations explicitly confess this regarding the Papacy: The Missouri Synod (LCMS), The Wisconsin Synod (WELS), The Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), The Church of the Lutheran Confession (CLC), et al.. You can learn much from our respective websites.

    I would buy Pope Joe Ratzinger a good Lutheran Catholic beer if I could: he has had kind words for St. Martin Luther & real Lutheranism — even recommending the Augsburg Confession as a “truly Catholic confession of the Faith”! Yet the Pope remains a Papist….sad!

    • Nixon is Lord says:

      “Father” my a**! Another overdressed Protestant mincing around in vestments.
      Please-the only thing stupider than the Catholics or Orthodox is weird robes is Protestants playing neo-Medieval or neo-Byzantine dress-up and hoping people will take notice.
      If you had any illusions about reversing the plummeting rates of church membership in mainline Protestantism by these antice, please abandon them now. You’re just wasting time and money and making yourselves look foolish.

      • Fr. Philip Mullen says:

        Dear Dornheim Sock Puppet (aka, “Nixon Is Lord”),

        OFLOL! :D

        Like a dog returning to it’s own vomit, or in your case, a troll returning to his own BS — you are providing the type of asinine antics so valued in your trailer trash existence! I must have really given you a thrashing for you to give me what attention you can as an ADA boy….

        But let me give you some hope. With a bit of perseverance, you may be able to save enough pennies to buy a tube of toothpaste to de-slime your two remaining yellow buck teeth.

        As for “mainline Protestantism”, it remains Hell bound, with Popery & Eastern “Orthodoxy”. Real Orthodox Christians will be preserved in small denominations & independent congregations, as Christ’s “Little Flock”, as He tells us in His Word, until He RETURNS at the Last Day.

        But do you actually CARE about the THINGS OF GOD, little sock puppet troll?

  18. Orthodox Lutheranism is the true Protestant Catholic Faith!

  19. John Dornheim says:

    Phil, I assume that you attended a seminary somewhere, it may have been Lutheran, so you are certainly entitled to the opinion which is held by Lutherans. It sure isn’t what I was taught and I doubt that a visit to any of the sites that you suggest would change things. Regardless, there is no reason for you to sully this forum with your opinions (Lord knows there are other forums for this sort of stuff). Not only does your diatribe having nothing to do with the subject at hand, but it also demonstrates a tremendous amount of disrespect towards others here.

    Let us stick to the subject at hand which, IIRC, is prayer beads.

    • John Dornheim says:

      Please note, I originally wrote “the opinion which is held by SOME Lutherans.” It surely is not the opinion of the majority of the world’s Lutherans.

  20. John Dornheim,

    You opened-up this subject by challenging the historical/confessional Lutheran Doctrine regarding the Papal Antichrist with your liberal/apostate ELCA, Lutheran-In-Name-Only (LINO), ignorant opinion. Obviously, you either do not like the Truth….or you are simply engaging in adolescent angst.Of course, you will continue to control this site in the interest of one brand of Papist propaganda….and your liberal sock puppet diatribes.

  21. I am new to this website, but was interested in your comments on the Anglican rosary. As a ELCA Lutheran and also a prayer of the Anglican rosary I was kind of upset with Fr.Phillip’a comments. I’m assuming you are from a different country. Here in Pa. in the U.S. we as Lutherans DO NOT believe that the Pope is the Antichrist, he the leader of the Catholic church only. I feel that referring to him is rude in the least. To us Lutherans we believe that Jesus Christ is the HEAD of the whole Christian church and Him only. Also, what is this digressing have to do with the Anglican Rosary anyway? To me, it is the most wonderful and meaningful prayers.

    • Trinity VII

      “Linda Lutheran”,

      You are not from PA, the USA, or this planet. You are merely another phony Lutheran sock puppet for the Papists. You reference the baby-murdering, sodomite, phony “Lutheran” “ELCA”….which is anti-Christian. REAL Lutheranism is in the LCMS and other conservative Lutheran denominations in the US….which all believe that the Papacy is the Antichrist….following God’s Word & the Book of Concord of 1580. You are either a very deluded liar, or the most incredible bimbo in the USA.

    • Jayson says:

      Linda, you are speaking the truth. It infuriates fanatics when one does not swallow their logic, hook, line and sinker. “The Papacy is the Anti-Christ” was the label Lutherans chose to use during the Reformation. Lutherans also confess the world was flat. In that day. Times have change and oh, how the hateful squirm.

  22. John Dornheim says:

    Phil, I am not sure that I can detect any relevance in your post to the subject of this thread. All I see is anger, innuendos, and, basically, a whole lot of bullshit. I am not sure why you feel that you have the right to lash out at people like Linda but if you wish to behave in this manner, there are other forums where you would probably be welcome. I realize that school is out for the summer and you probably have lots of time on your hands–how about trying something constructive for a change.

  23. Oh, Johnny, did I hurt your sock puppet’s phony feelings….please grow-up and change your diapers — your stench is unbearable! ;)

  24. John Dornheim says:

    No, not at all. In these forums, amateurs like yourself are minor annoyances whose only presence is intended to sidetrack conversations and place the focus on personal obsessions. It is when you are in front of people who have been led to believe that you might know what you are talking about that it becomes a more serious concern. I hope that there aren’t very many of them.

  25. John Dornheim says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to set you straight.

    • Johnny…”the opportunity to set you straight.” LOL!

      Well, you aren’t “straight”, JohnJohn, so look who’s talking! :D

      All of my doctrinal references are easily verified by my cites, while your flatulent evacuations are merely evidences of your personal attraction to me….which forever will be NONRECIPROCATED. Of course, I can’t stop your sick fantasies….drool on.

  26. John Dornheim says:

    This discussion was intended to be about prayer beads and their use among Lutherans and Anglicans. I am not sure why you feel the need to flood it with your absurd statements which have nothing to do with either the subject or reality.

  27. Johnny,

    YOU are the one grinding out absurdities, unrelated to prayer beads….moron! ;)

  28. John Dornheim says:

    I think that if you review the messages, you will see that it was you who took us down this road after I asked you to show a little respect for the Pope (a person who I do not particularly like). The theme of this discussion is “Lutheran Rosary. Anglican Rosary.” This Lutheran feels that the use of prayer beads by people is a positive thing regardless of their faith affiliation. It would be nice to see a greater sense of spirituality among Lutherans.

  29. John Boy,

    As I said, YOU are the absurd one….who needs a little respect for REAL Lutherans (who have PLENTY of Christian Spirituality). But please continue to prove my point….drone on! ;)

  30. Dawn says:

    First, I would like to offer the fact that rosaries and other prayer beads have been used throughout history in many different religions as a way for the person to focus on and keep track of their prayers.

    Also, though I am loath to continue this conversation, I have to say…

    Wow, Fr. Mullen, I have never heard such hostility from a man of God. You are truly an example of a person following in Christ’s steps! Have you ever heard of letting your actions and words be a testimony of how God works in our lives?

  31. Dear Dawn,

    Thanks for your compliment, “You are truly an example of a person following in Christ’s steps!” I assume that you are sincere, and not simply another bimbo Dornheim sock puppet.

    Yes, Christ was quite hostile. In fact, Christ is the most hostile force in the universe….against sin & other evil. For example, Christ called men & women insulting names when it suited Him….and their Eternal Salvation. Yet many morons think he was only a “peaceful” hippie who taught a weird type of Buddhism. Of course, “hostility” serves God’s Purpose when it is an instrument of His Wrath/Hatred — in service to His Word of Moral Law towards repentance! ;)

  32. Jeanine says:

    I wish you all peace in your hearts, this is my story of prayer beads, I am Australian and my Lutheran faith goes back 6 generations and more. I do not wish to be belittled or criticised for my use of rosary beads. 2010 had my marriage end the day my soldier son left for Afghanistan, his last request was grabbing a set of catholic rosary beads given by and x girlfriend who I still love dearly.” mum pray for us Lutheran style” he is my only son, his twins sister is married to a Northern Ireland Policeman and my youngest lived on the other side of the country. An Irish catholic best friend who I served also in the Defence force sent me her catholic rosary’s – and so I prayed my Lutheran prayers, and when 5 of his mates were killed and 3 of our bomb dogs I prayed…Lutheran prayers – regardless of what those beads represented they grounded me, they gave me reason to pray for all soldiers, airmen and sailors of our ADF (Australian Defence Force) I cannot go to church to pray as I am in chronic severe spinal pain and neruopathic pain 24/7 injured in uniform for my country decades ago…so this Mum prayed with beads from two women who loved me.
    He would talk to me on Skype and say ‘mum we need your prayers we need epic prayers old girl can you ask god, no more pain, quick kills…Mum were getting pasted and so is everyone else…pray for us Mum…told the guys your praying for us…love you mum’
    His best mate at home a commando before he left stood at the spare room I was in in my sons house…’Old Girl…I have never been to church…I don’t know if I believe…but I have seen your prayer Lutheran on catholic rosary beads…bit twisted …he smiled’ then he said, ‘will you pray for me, pray for Megan and our child she carries…you know where I am going and I can’t tell you but Matt knows you know things without saying…’ he took a deep breath and said ‘ Does god listen to our prayers?’ I smiled and said ‘Mate god listens all the time – he is everywhere – he simply is all we can be but we get lost…God looks after soldiers of all faiths of all flags of all colours, Megan and your baby have been in my prayers from the moment she told me…’ he went to turn and then looked at me again and said…’Knowing you are praying for me and the guys makes it a bit easier’ He laughed and said ‘ Lutheran saying Lutheran prayers on catholic rosary…that’s Epic old girl sweet!’

    It does not matter what you use to remember each prayer, each request…its how you pray and the true honest reasons for you words…I still have those rosary beads, and when my solider son says mum need a Lutheran prayer grab those beads I am sure the ‘Micks’ (slang here for Catholics) won’t mind you pushing in past their Hail Mary’s…the guys are going again…they know you prayed for us when we lost 5 of our guys…you’re on prayer duty you know old girl…’
    So while I would love Lutheran Rosary/prayer beads…I will do just fine with what I have. when you pray for a soldier, it does not matter what is in your hands but what is in your heart…thats what is most important

    • You are quite right to focus upon content (i.e., prayer) over structure in the Western Rosary, for while both content & structure have developed variously in Eastern & Western Christendom — content has ever determined structure. Since our Lutheran prayers; i.e., Trinitarian Invocation, Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary (without the later added Tridentine clause, “pray for us sinners….”), & Glory Be are the principle Papist prayers in their original form — our Lutheran usage is an appropriate return to ancient Christian devotion.

      • moonlitcleric says:

        thank you Philip. Some times prayer is all you have, we have a saying in my home town of Darwin, Northern Territory that on Christmas Eve 1974 there were no atheists, the whole town prayed like hell to live that night a Cyclone called Tracy decimated my home killed my friends and their parents and more dead were buried than listed…I was 16 and survived a Category 5 Cyclone…whether prayer or just plain good luck or as i know now I had a few things to achieve on my life path…there were no atheists that long long night in Darwin.
        How close to death must one be before you say to the darkness…save me…don’t let me die…or pray over a terminally ill child saying look after him for me Lord let him go in peace not pain…or last words from soldiers knowing their life force is leaving, their prayers are different…its oaths asked of mates look after my wife and kids…tell them I love them…tell mum I love her…etc…prayer comes in many forms…its not written in a bible etc some just are straight from the soul for your life has just hit its used by date, and you pray the last goodbye.

  33. Anonymous says:

    “Papist”? Seriously? Did you know that the 30 Year War ended in 1648? Do you refer to Jews as “Hebrews” or Muslims as “Mohammedans” or Hindus as “Gentoos”?
    Trust the religious to get pretentious and precious and stupid all at the same time. Put the beads down and go do something useful. Picking your noses would be an improvement, frankly.
    What is it with you people and your pointless and affected accessories? Do they make you feel special?

    • OFLOL!!!:D

      So you enjoy “picking your nose” and other orifices, while you drool your troll’s life away on the keyboard? OK!

      Yes, you have made your point abundantly clear! You are an insipidly queer religious Atheistic ass, trolling Christian sites as you fill your 375 lb. carcass with McDonald’s from your welfare check.You have never helped anyone, never fought for your country, never worked for your living, and only exist to hate that which is good while exalting evil. Your reputation has preceded you, and your odium ignoratium is most pungent….like a fresh turd laid by a sick baboon. I rule you & own you, Monkey, and I command you to continue to reply to my every post….
      Dance, fat Monkey, Dance! :D

  34. Nixon is Lord says:

    Don’t we ALL enjoy picking our nose?
    How can you be “religious Atheistic”?
    Do you have any problems with what I said? How was it inaccurate?

  35. LOL! :D

    So now your troll self has changed user IDs? And everyone enjoys picking their noses in your fantasy universe? How can adherence to a religion not be religious? Do you have any problems with what I said, how is it inaccurate?

  36. Nixon is Lord says:

    I’m not religious; I’m an atheist.
    Your religion, even for religions, is ludicrous. “Orthodox Lutheran” and “Grand Preceptor” of the Orange Lodge? Seriously? What, Wisconsin Synod not weird or fundamentalist enough for you?
    Your group must have, what, a few thousand in the US?
    I do have a job but I know I have no “reputation” among believers.
    Unfortunately, given that Lutheranism in the US is shrinking away faster than a pizza in front of Michael Moore, neither do you.


    Did I rattle your little fairy tale troll’s cage?

    Atheism = False Religion

    Since your opinions mean nothing, and no one cares what you think (especially YOU)….Poof, Be Gone! :D

  38. Nixon is Lord says:

    Suck my ass. Your wife is probably fat and ugly; if I were queer, I’d point to her as reason to be a butt pirate.

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