Catholics Missing the China Boom?

Christianity finds a fulcrum in Asia by “Spengler” is an article that just crossed my “virtual desk.” It is an interesting read. H/T to Dude…

Now by way of background, if you are like me, you may never of heard of “Spengler”. It is a pseudonym used by an author for the Asia Times. The nom de plume being homage to Oswald Spengler. His true identity is a source of some speculation. Who is Spengler? I thought this article was interesting…

This intriguing article was just sent to me about the growth of Christianity in China. I found it to be a fairly interesting article in and of itself… But what really intrigued to begin with – before even having read it – was the comment offered by the fella who sent it my way.

He writes:

“Pentecostalism is quite obviously the dominant force of neo-Christian evangelization. These people are getting in touch with Jesus without the Catholic Church. However doctrinally deficient their theology, successful (often using untruths) attempts to tear down Catholicism, and often employing the promises of the health and wealth gospel, almost all Protestant methods of evangelization smoke the Catholic methods, hands-down, for a variety of reasons.

Is this the Chinese Century?

Will the Chinese become the missionaries of the West?

Has the Catholic Church dropped the ball on mission work as our numbers worldwide appear – at first glance – to be smaller?

Relative to the ecclesiology and theology of the Catholic Church and Pentecostal/Evnagelical communities… Might this in fact have much to do with it?

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